Happy New Year!
After the year we just left…well, what can be said…

With the start of the new year, often comes new goals. Maybe a revision of prior goals. A determination to complete or begin a project or idea.

Does this include dance? What are your dance visions? Are you ready to take that first step and venture into ballroom dance? Do you want to kick up your confidence to social dance? Or are your sights on competing on the floor with other dancers?

Visualize your goals, make a plan to take the steps to get there and make determination your best friend to reach and maybe exceed your best dreams!

Let any of our amazing Academy Ballroom instructors help you take those exciting steps and achieve your goals together!

Motivated? Great! Let’s take that first step! See you soon!

Until next time, Happy Dancing! 🙂💃
Claudine Vaughan

Academy Ballroom Atlanta
800 Miami Circle NE, Suite 140
Atlanta, GA 30324

T: (404) 846-3201
E: academyatl@gmail.com